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Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED]

Grand Matron Bow[4 Sockets & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] [Runewords(Bases)]

Sale [4 Sockets]
Sale [+3 Bow skill ]
Sale [+15 EDmg]

Grand Matron Bow [Runewords(Bases)]

Ichorsting 2H damage: 14-72
Max sockets: 5
Quality level: 78
Req Dexterity: 152
Req level: 58
Req Strength: 108
Treasure class: 78
Grand Matron Bow
[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED]


Price 34.19 USD

What Can Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] Do In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Grand Matron Bow is a high-level ranged weapon that can be found in the game. When it has four sockets and is made with a combination of specific runes or gems, it becomes a Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED].

Where To Farm Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] In Diablo 2 Resurrected?

D2R Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] for sale is a high-level ranged weapon that can be found as a rare drop from specific monsters or bosses in the game. Here are some areas and monsters that are known to drop the Grand Matron Bow:

1. Act 4: One of the best places to farm for the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] is in Act 4 of the game, particularly in the Chaos Sanctuary area. This area is filled with difficult enemies, but has a high chance of dropping rare items.

2. Uber Diablo: Another way to obtain the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] is by defeating Uber Diablo, who is a difficult boss that requires special keys to access. Uber Diablo can drop a variety of rare items, including the Grand Matron Bow.

3. Bosses and Unique Monsters: Like many rare items in Diablo 2 Resurrected, the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] can also be obtained by defeating bosses and unique monsters throughout the game. Some of the best areas to find these types of enemies include Act 1's Tower, Act 2's Tombs, and Act 5's Worldstone Keep.

Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] Drop Rate In Diablo 2 Resurrected

In Diablo 2 Resurrected, the drop rate for the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] is very low, as it is a rare item that can only be found as a drop from specific monsters or bosses. The exact drop rate is not known, as it is determined by a complex series of calculations that take into account the monster's level, the player's level, and the game's difficulty level.

Generally speaking, the drop rate for rare items like the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] increases as players progress through the game and face more difficult enemies. Areas like Act 4's Chaos Sanctuary and Act 5's Worldstone Keep are known to have a higher chance of dropping rare items, including the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED].

Players who are looking to farm for the Grand Matron Bow [4S & 3 Bow skill & 15 ED] should be prepared to invest significant time and effort into the process, as it may take many attempts to obtain this rare diablo 2 resurrected item. Consider using magic find gear, playing with a group, or running specific areas repeatedly to increase your chances of finding the Grand Matron Bow.

With our reliable and timely updated D2R Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] Trading Price Index for PS4, PC, Switch, and Xbox, you can easily check the current Diablo 2 Resurrected Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] Market Value on Ladder and No-Ladder Mode! The prices of D2R Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] are ranged from 21.84USD to 36.67USD, learn when the price is rising and falling, get the best Diablo 2 Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] trading and buy D2R Ladder Items! Among Non-Ladder D2R items, the Grand Matron Bow[4S & 3 Bow skrill & 15 ED] is priced at 34.19USD, and in the trading of D2R Ladder items, it requires 21.84USD. Knowing the value will help you buy D2R items at a more favorable price. In terms of our D2R items stock, we still have 99 D2R items in this Runewords(Bases), welcome to buy Diablo 2 items and runes here.

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